Increasing Homeowners Liability – Johnstown PA

Hey, there. It’s Steph. As you can see, today’s a rough day at the office. But like many of you, work from home isn’t so abnormal anymore. With the events of our last year and many kids homeschooled, parents working from home, the resort vacations canceled, a lot of families made the investment to install a pool and bring a sense of vacation into their homes. Pools can be so much fun when proper measures are taken to prevent accidents from happening. But there’s a lot of videos on pool safety out there, so I won’t get into that today. But something I bet many of you don’t think of is, are you covered when the unexpected accident does occur? And that’s why you’re tuning in. The time is now to look into updating your homeowners policy’s liability.
Increasing liability on your homeowners not only gives you the added coverage, it also gives you peace of mind knowing you are properly insured, gosh forbid that situation ever occur. Now the big question with any coverage increase, “How much is that going to cost me?” To increase the liability will often be less than two of these pretty little drinks they were going to serve you at the resort you planned to hit this summer. That’s right. Not much at all. Just recently, I increased the client’s liability from $300,000 to $1M. That increased their policy no more than $30 for the entire year. So the time is now. Call to ensure you have things properly covered, whether you’re a pool owner, a pet owner, a parent, or the many other things that could happen on your property. Call Maluchnik Insurance at (814) 255-7145 today. Until then…enjoy those kids being at home!

Call Maluchnik Insurance and Financial Services in Johnstown PA at (814) 255-7145


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